Recientemente se ha publicado el ranking de avance de la tecnología, el primer lugar ha sido por Dinamarca, pero nuestro país ha caido 2 puestos desde el año pasado, ello me reafirma los sostenido en el post anterior, ¿quién lleva la política informática en nuestro país?
The Global Information Technology Report 2006-2007For the first time, Denmark tops the rankings of The Global Information Technology Report 2006-2007’s "Networked Readiness Index", as a culmination of an upward trend since 2003. Denmark’s outstanding levels of networked readiness have to do with the country’s excellent regulatory environment, coupled with a clear government leadership and vision in leveraging ICT for growth and promoting ICT penetration and usage.Press release I Rankings (PDF or excel) I Photos I Contents I Preface I Executive Summary
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