Presento a ustedes un artículo publicado en Ethicsline de la ACFE (Association of Certifed Fraud Examiners) sobre la prevención del fraude corporativo. Si bien no es la solución a un problema tan complejo, son sugerencias que pueden ser de utilidad para las organizaciones.
Ten Tips for Preventing Corporate Fraud
By Ralph Childs and Toby Bishop
Even before corporate scandals made headlines, American companies were waging
war against fraud. Not counting the impact of Enron, WorldCom and other
stricken companies, annual fraud losses were topping $600 billion, according to
the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’2002 Report to the Nation on
Occupational Fraud and Abuse.
Despite tough economic times and seemingly rampant misconduct, now is not the
time to panic. There are simple, practical steps you can take to protect your
company from fraud.
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